Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hidden Gems: America Sings Goose

Shortly after The Carousel of Progress was removed, a new attraction moved in: America Sings. It featured dozens of peppy critters, furry, feathery, and scaly, all singing classic American folk songs.

 But what's that you say? Those look familiar? Well as a matter of fact, almost all of the animatronics on Splash Mountain were just stripped right from America Sings. But not all of them...

Before Splash Mountain even saw the light of day, a couple of the geese were actually skinned to their skeletons and wires, and placed in the queue for Star Tours. Go ahead, and take a gander
(pun intended) at those old nods to the past. Though Star Tours may have changed, those few old geese still occupy Tomorrowland as they always have.

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