Thursday 14 March 2013

Top 10: Splash Mountain Photos

Most people would scream or make an embarrassing face on Splash Mountain. But not these people. These are the top 10 coordinated Splash Mountain photos, mostly coordinated before they stepped on the ride. Maybe some of them couldn't stay entertained long enough to finish the ride before engaging in other activities. This is how to ride that classic flume LIKE A BOSS.

#10. Surgeons

Oh, you know, just a procedural operation being performed at Disneyland. It makes one wonder what the other guests thought seeing people walking around in scrubs.

#9. Taking shots

"Every time they say something racist, we take a shot."

#8. WHY???

Just a classic expression on the drop. I can't tell if this person planned this or is actually scared... or what gender they are.

#7. Beer Pong

Enough said.

#6. Stormtrooper

The best part is his stormtrooper shirt to match his mask. I wonder if he enjoyed Star Tours?

#5. Connect Four

The dude with the Jenga tower kills me. I wonder how they got a Connect Four game into Disneyland.

#4. Marriage Proposal

How sweet! Assuming that's Lindsay in the front I doubt she is as flattered by the picture.

#3. Shaving

 Classic stuff. I hope he didn't cut himself.

#2. Monopoly

This must have taken a lot of planning. I see they're playing with the "No Parking" rules.

#1. Gamecube

This is just awesome. A+ for the idea of playing Super Smash Bros. on the ride. One has to think that was the first (and only) time a video game console rode on Splash Mountain. Also, the poster board being used as a TV was a nice touch.

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